10 características de un buen proveedor de iluminación

chandelier lamp garciarequejo

Instalation of lamps by García Requejo in the set of the movie «Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi»

Absorbed in the project design process, it is easy to pay less attention to less attractive but very relevant aspects. The choice of a good lighting supplier is one of them. These are the 10 aspects that your provider must comply with:

1. Product Samples

Every lighting service supplier must have a range of products to show as a reference for their work. It will be even more positive if the company can show the projects in which it has participated.

2. Experience and Reputation

Another factor to take into account is the experience that the supplier has in the lighting sector. Proof of this will be its trajectory as a company and the adaptability to the changes in the industry that it has demonstrated.

3. Design

The best lighting suppliers have designers who will bring exclusivity and distinction to your project. Choose a supplier capable not only of manufacturing your creations but also of advising you possible improvements in the design or of creating it exclusively for you.

4. Technological Innovation

One of the must of a good provider is to invest in innovation and development. The lighting sector has a large technological component. Luminaires must not only provide design. It is essential that they meet the technical requirements of the project in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, resistance of materials…

5. Ability to Adapt to the Client Needs

Custom services, without a doubt, are a plus. These types of companies are able to adapt to the client’s design and create bespoke luminaires. In addition, they have more margin to make changes to the original product and adjust it to the real needs of the project.

6. Meet the Deadlines

This requirement seems to be an obviousness, however, many projects are forced to delay its inauguration because of this factor. You must take into account the conditions in the delivery of the products and make sure that the deadlines will be met.

7. Broad Catalogue of Suppliers

The more experience in the sector the lighting provider has, the greater will be their knowledge of the most appropriate agents to intervene in each phase of your project.

8. Customer Care

Try to choose a lighting supplier committed to customer service. The more personalized this is, the better. Throughout the work they will come up unexpected events and it is essential to have a comprehensive provider and attentive to your needs.

9. Payment Methods

Find out about possible payment methods accepted. Currently, there are multiple modalities, not only in terms of methods, but also in terms of due dates. Try to find the one that best suits your situation.

10. Quality Warranty

Your project does not end when the work ends. It is usual that you have to contact the supplier again to request spare parts, references, etc. Because of this, it is important to have a good after-sales service.

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