Why is it important to measure the degrees Kelvin for a hotel illumination project?

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Every illumination project has to take into account the degrees Kelvin (K). This is how the scale which measures colour temperature is named, and it varies from 1,000K to 10,000K.

We spoke about it in our last post, when we explained how we face the projects. But now, we want to point the importance of choosing the right level of degrees Kelvin out.

What are the degrees Kelvin?

Kelvin is the base unit of thermodynamic temperature in the International System of Units, equal in magnitude to the degrees Celsius. Kelvin is used in lighting to measure the colour temperature of a light bulb. To sum up, the higher the Kelvin rating, the whiter the light will be. By the way, Kelvin rating is expressed in K.

How to choose the right level of degrees Kelvin for a hotel?

Bulbs until the advent of LED technology were usually found in temperature colors, within the Kelvin scale: 2700K (warm incandescent bulb), 3000K (warm white halogen lamp) and 3500K (household fluorescent tube).

Colour temperature affects how we perceive the environment and how we feel about it. For example, colour temperatures above 3500K is typically used at hospitals, because, even if it is colder, it helps us to perceive colours better. On the other hand, the perfect colour temperature for a home is around 2700K due to it is warmth. This is why we need to choose the right lighting to get the atmosphere we want to transmit.