Smart Lighting: Advancing Design with Artificial Intelligence

At García Requejo, we are committed to innovation in custom lighting design for the contract sector. As designers, we constantly seek new ways to improve our processes and offer more efficient and aesthetically stunning solutions to our clients.

In the world of industrial design, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role. From process optimization to creating smarter products, AI offers exciting opportunities for lighting designers.

One way AI can revolutionize our work is through design optimization. By analyzing data and using machine learning, we can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, design trends, and product performance. This allows us to create luminaires that are not only visually striking but also functional and tailored to the specific needs of each project.

Additionally, AI can help us explore new possibilities in lighting design. By using generative algorithms, we can generate a wide variety of designs and explore innovative solutions that might otherwise go unnoticed. This allows us to think out of the box and offer our clients unique and customized options.

AI can also improve efficiency in the manufacturing process. By optimizing workflows and logistics, we can reduce costs and production times, allowing us to offer high-quality products at competitive prices.

At García Requejo, we are excited about the potential of Artificial Intelligence to drive lighting design into the future. We are committed to exploring new technologies and making the most of the opportunities AI offers to continue providing exceptional lighting solutions to our clients. The future of lighting design is here, and we are ready to embrace it fully!