The color temperature are the different shades that a light can have that goes from yellow tones through white, to bluish. This temperature is measured in Kelvin (K) degrees.
You may have noticed the different shades of color in the bulbs that are placed in luminaires. The different shades that you may notice in a luminaire are due to the color temperature of a light source, which is an indicator of the level of heat in the heating process within the light source in which an ideal black body radiator can project a light in a certain color.
The color temperature could also be defined as the sensation that the human eye perceives when it is faced with the tonality of light, the higher the Kelvin value, the colder the tonality of the light.
Why is light temperature important?
The temperature of the light has a stylistic and functional importance because depending on the selected light it will detonate different emotions and moods.
Warm Light – (Color temperatures between 2800ºK and 3500ºK)
It is equivalent to the light produced by incandescent bulbs and halogen bulbs.
It is important to relax and make us feel comfortable, this light is recommended for bedrooms, living rooms, halls, restaurants, etc. In conclusion, this light is used to create a more comfortable and relaxed environment.
Helps to highlight brown and yellow tones in different seasons.
Neutral Light: (Color temperatures between 3800ºK and 4500ºK) experts say that it is the most natural light. It can be installed in any environment.
Cold Light – (Color temperatures over 5000ºK)
This type of lighting keeps us alert and awake that is why in work spaces it is the light that is used as general lighting.
It helps to highlight the green and blue tones of the different rooms.
One of the advantages of cold light is that at the same intensity it provides a greater number of lumens, which generates a greater perception of luminosity.
In conclusion, light sources have different color temperatures and this makes them useful for different situations, you must choose carefully what type of color temperature to occupy before installing a light source.
At García Requejo we can help you with your lighting projects and develop any type of color temperature for the luminaires that are required for your projects.
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